as you may have noticed, I'm in need for a brown paper bug for the last release. So here comes the next attempt, which can be found under
The relevant part of the ChangeLog is attached. As you can see, credits for this release go entirely to Toma¸ Ficko.
2004-11-08 Jörg Lehmann joerg@luga.de
* Version 2.1.2 released.
* pytonerc: Fix typo in addsongtoplaylist and showiteminfolong options (thanks to Toma¸ Ficko <tomaz at gmx dot net> for reporting these bugs).
* services/songdbs/local.py: Fix error occuring when requesting artists, albums or songs with unknown decade (thanks to Toma¸ Ficko <tomaz at gmx dot net> for sending a patch).
* services/songdbs/local.py: Manually remove unneeded log files because automatic removal is only supported by the newest bsddb versions, fixing Debian bug #273370 (thanks to Toma¸ Ficko <tomaz at gmx dot net> for sending a patch).